Debra Roberts is a Master Beekeeper, Natural Beekeeping educator and speaker, and is Vice President of The Center for Honeybee Research. For years, she has mentored local beekeepers in their bee yards. In order to be of service to the growing number of people who are knocking on her door from other parts of North America and abroad, Debra now offers mentoring by phone and Skype, with follow-up by email. Her special interest is in working with people who are new to beekeeping (in their first few years) and with those who want to deepen their beekeeping as a sacred, mindful practice.
Debra is most often asked for assistance on the following topics:
Natural Beekeeping: All the nuts and bolts basics … whatever assists you, any level.
How to prepare for each season.
How to make splits.
How to plan your first year, what kind of bees to get, what equipment, how to navigate the many choices.
Beekeeping as a Sacred Practice.
Women’s Ways in the Bee Yard.
Whatever helps you feel more confident as a beekeeper.
Your offering helps support our bee habit (thank you). If mentoring has been of value to you and your bees, you can donate via the “please pay now” button below.
To schedule an appointment, please email: