Speaking, Teaching, and Workshops


Bees (always).  One of the places you can find me this year is on Substack: Holy Mischief: Love, Creativity and Other Sacred Business. I am especially interested in expanding what I call Poetry as Kirtan and sharing my poetry (bee-ish and other themes) in a call and response style. People seem to really enjoy this. All the sacred bee doings from 2024 go on. And I continue to flower my life with gratitude and loving, creative service on the Good Bee Road, out in the wider world and at home with the precious honeybees in our bee sanctuary. Blessed be, blessed bees.


Bees (always). It is another profoundly interesting honeybee year with swarms, wild bee nesting habitat projects, poetry (and more bee poetry), apian conversations (with two-leggeds and wing-eds), travels to Turkey, and ongoing virtual sacred bee circles (poetry, teaching, speaking, mentoring). I continue to flower my life with gratitude and loving, creative service on the Good Bee Road, out in the wider world and at home with the precious honeybees in our bee sanctuary. Blessed be, blessed bees.


Bees (always). It is a profoundly interesting honeybee year with swarms, wild bee nesting habitat projects, poetry (and more bee poetry), apian conversations (with two-leggeds and wing-eds), travels to India (more bee conversations and many sightings of Apis dorsata aka the rock bee or giant honeybee), and ongoing virtual sacred bee circles (poetry, teaching, speaking, mentoring). I continue to flower my life with gratitude and loving, creative service on the Good Bee Road, out in the wider world and at home with the precious honeybees in our bee sanctuary. Blessed be, blessed bees.


Bees, poetry, apian conversations (with two-leggeds and wing-eds), a bees and tree nesting project, travels to India (more bee conversations), and ongoing virtual sacred bee circles (poetry, teaching, speaking, mentoring). Continuing to flower my life with gratitude and loving, creative service on the Good Bee Road, out in the wider world and at home with the precious honeybees in our bee sanctuary. Blessed be, blessed bees.


Poetry found me across this last year, inspired by the bees and then blooming in other directions. I invite you to visit my Debra Roberts: On Bees and Being Youtube channel.  Also:

  • Turkey and India (once travel opens up again).
  • Ongoing virtual sacred bee circles (poetry, teaching, speaking, mentoring).
  • Continuing to flower my life with gratitude and loving, creative service on the Good Bee Road, out in the wider world when possible and at home with the precious honeybees in our bee sanctuary.


Literal travel slowed to a halt due to the pandemic. Virtual travel increased. Trips to Turkey, India and Greece were cancelled. Other Zoom and Skype circles increased (teaching, speaking, mentoring). I continue to flower my life with gratitude and loving, creative service on the Good Bee Road (here, there and everygoodwhere). More time at home with the precious honeybees in our bee sanctuary has given me a deeper opportunity to study at the feet of these great ones.


  • The Sacred Path of Bee, an online series for bee lovers and appreciators worldwide. (Ongoing, pre-recorded, no beekeeping experience required.)
  • Turkey, March and early April.
  • Various speaking and teaching events around the U.S.
  • Ongoing Skype and Zoom sacred bee circles (teaching, speaking, mentoring).
  • Continuing to flower my life with gratitude and loving, creative service on the Good Bee Road (here, there and everygoodwhere) … and when home, with the precious honeybees in our bee sanctuary.


  • The Sacred Path of Bee, an online series for bee lovers and appreciators worldwide. (Ongoing, pre-recorded, no beekeeping experience required.)
  • India (Pune, Ahmedabad, Bhuj, Tiruvannamalai) in the autumn / early winter. Various engagements in the US throughout the year. Please contact us for details.
  • Continuing to flower my life with gratitude and loving, creative service on the Good Bee Road (here, there and everygoodwhere) … and when home, with the precious honeybees in our bee sanctuary.


  • The Sacred Path of Bee, an online series for bee lovers and appreciators worldwide. (Ongoing, pre-recorded, no beekeeping experience required.)
  • Bees and Being: The Sacred Path of Bee at OUR Ecovillage, August 25- 27; Shawnigan Lake, BC, Canada. (Also, Natural Approaches to Beekeeping, August 23 in Victoria. Contact us for details.)
  • India (various places) in the autumn. Contact us for details.
  • Continuing to flower my life with gratitude and in loving, creative service on the Good Bee Trail (here, there and everygoodwhere) and on retreat, when home, with the precious honeybees in our bee sanctuary.


  • The Sacred Path of Bee, an online series for bee lovers and appreciators worldwide. (Ongoing, pre-recorded, no beekeeping experience required.)
  • Year of our holy house fire. We stayed close to our land and the bees as we rebuilt our own hive home. So many blessings abound, no matter life’s weather. Gratitude to everyone in the world who supported our transition and infinite thanks to so many people for their flexibility and understanding about 2016’s world travel plans being offered up in smoke (as sacred prayers). Looking forward to stepping out on the Good Bee Road again in 2017. Thank you.


  • The Sacred Path of Bee, an online series for bee appreciators worldwide. (Ongoing, pre-recorded, no beekeeping experience required.)
  • Sylvia Plath’s Bee Poetry with Laura Hope-Gill for the Masters writing program at Lenoir-Rhyne University. February 23, Asheville, NC.
  • Following the Bee Trail: A Woman’s Adventure with Bees. NC State Beekeepers Association, summer conference. July 11, Lake Junaluska, NC.
  • The Sacred Path of Bee presentation for the Mari Festival (video conference). July 18, San Paulo, Brazil.
  • Sacred Bee presentation for Trance Reunion, Living the Legacy conference. July 24, Prama Institute, Marshall, NC.
  • A Gathering of Bee Luminaries, August 21 – 23, Washington state.
  • Leading the Children’s Bug Parade with Bee City USA at Asheville’s Organicfest. August 30, Asheville, NC. (This year’s theme: Bee Organic!)
  • Blessed bee retreat (October 13 – November 10).



Prior years

  • Technicians of the Sacred: The Awakening of the Ancient Bee Priestesses in Contemporary Bee Sanctuaries with Layne Redmond (Asheville, NC).
  • The Spirit of Bee events with Pueblo elder Larry Littlebird, Director of Hamaatsa (an indigenous learning center in NM) and at The Museum of Indian Arts and Culture (Santa Fe, NM).
  • The Spirit of BeeKeeping. Laughing Waters Retreat Center (Gerton, NC).
  • What the Bees are Telling Us. Appalachian Dowsers Society (Asheville, NC).
  • Natural Beekeeping for Be(e)ginners. Organic Grower’s School (Asheville, NC).
  • The Buzz About Bees. OLE: Outdoor Learning Environments Institute for Early Childhood Educators (The NC Arboretum, Asheville, NC).
  • WNC Bee School (annual)
  • Hendersonville Bee School (Hendersonville, NC)
  • Spartanburg Bee Club (Spartanburg, SC)
  • Women, Bees and Consciousness. Spartanburg Women’s Group (Spartanburg, SC).
  • Bee classes and bee club presentations (various, annual).
  • The Honeybee Project: Various honeybee presentations for children (and their teachers and families) at festivals, summer camps, state fairs, food stores, and in classrooms.

To contact Debra Roberts about speaking or teaching, please find her at:  debra@holybeepress.com or (828) 712-0880.


{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Kate Harper and Leon Marasco April 11, 2013 at 3:59 pm

Hi Debra,

Finally visited here, and we are bee-whelmed by what we found. Your way of expressing your loving thoughts and feelings is pure delight.
Thanks so much for your active caring, your gift to The All.

K & L


Debra Roberts April 12, 2013 at 8:51 pm

Thanks so much, Kate and Leon. I appreciate you both so much.


Nick Licina June 24, 2014 at 5:02 pm


Ellen and I hosted Emily and Bernie on their way home. It was a nice visit.

I am starting an urban farm, trying to hand it over to a younger person who wants to live like that. Knowing more about bees would be great. Are you ever presenting in the midwest?


And I tried to send a message via facebook. I am useless with all that and blogs and websites but you would know I have a lot of opinions.

Take care, would love to meet Joe


Debra Roberts June 28, 2014 at 12:41 pm

Nick, lovely to hear from you. Will respond by email shortly. love, Deb


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