See our Bee Loving Hussies Postcards |

See our Bee Loving Hussies Postcards |
© 2011-2015 Holy Bee Press
All Rights Reserved, Debra Roberts
Photo of Debra Roberts by Michael Belleme, Courtesy of Asheville's Organicfest
Grateful thanks to Clare Melinksy for the amazing honeybee lino-cut.
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Good morning Debra,
Question, why are my bees removing immature bees from the hives?
I have three top bar hives. Two days ago while doing an interal welfare check I witnessed a single incident of a housekeepper removing a immature bee. This morning I found a dozen immature bees on the ground in front of an adjacent hive.
FYI, I have SHB though I do not think serious at this point. The girls are thus far keeping the beetles herded to the rear of the hive.
Thank you for your input. Looking forward to seeing Les Crowder
Marc, Hi. Good to hear from you. I have seen this happen from time to time – one reason can be is that the bees know when immature bees are compromised / sick / have varroa, so that is one reason they may move them out (and you may not know, as a human, as you look, as to why). That is one of the reasons we use the word “hygienic” for bees’ behavior and choices. If the overall population of bees is good and all seems well otherwise, I personally would not be concerned. I would just keep tabs on that hive as you normally do.
I see small hive beetles in some of my hives, every year, and it is never an issue. They are just opportunists. If there are a ton of them, that is a different issue but that only happens when the colony is too weak to do their usual maintenance. For folks who live in places like Florida, which I don’t, I understand they can be a bit more of a challenge.
See you for the Les doins’ …. going to be wonderful.
blessings, Debra
Dear Debra…
Greetings and Love to you! c
am interested in working with you… and the Online sessions for “Sacred Path of BEE” would be perfect for me.
Please send details of this series. Please send info as soon as possible.
I don’t mind if I missed a session, if it is recorded on video.
I couldn’t find any details, dates, costs on either your’s or Layne’s website.
I am kept by one hive of bees, and would love to learn from you and Layne how to be in relationship with them better!
I am very interested….
Love and Light,
Kate, so lovely to hear from you. Good to meet another kindred bee-ish spirit and that one hive of bees is fortunate to have you as family. I have your name down on our list and will be back in touch with you when I have more information in this next month. The course will definitely be offered but it may not begin until September. You might know (or not) that Layne is having her last drumming retreat. I will email you the information in a minute – it will update you about her health. Her life is flowering into another chapter. Our work (hers and mine, individually and collectively) goes on.
love and blessings
Synchronicity has brought me to you and Layne. I am kept by 2 hives and cherish this connection. I have been preparing for 4 years to finally have 2 colonies decide to stay. I know the sadness and feelings of failure 5 different times when they either died or choose to leave. So much I have learned from this adventure from our sisters.
I would love to know when the classes will begin and I am excited to learn to drum! I had a person put in my hands “the Shamanic way of the Bee” as I departing to assist my daughter with her first birth at home. It was months months later during a sacred ceramony that I was taught the connection between the ancient female bee keepers and drumming. How thrilled I am to know I am on a sacred path with nature. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Dear Linda, it is so wonderful to receive your bright blessing of a message this morning. I too use that expression … “kept by my bees”. I treasure everything you shared and like you, remain at the feet of the bees who are such profound teachers.
I will definitely contact you when the classes will begin. They were slated to start this month but I am heading back to Turkey in two weeks to teach natural beekeeping there and Layne is also meeting some health challenges (with deep grace). I anticipate the series beginning in September sometime and I will definitely let you know.
Re drumming, I know that many people have benefited from Layne’s DVD teaching series (available on layneredmond.com). And also, two of the teachers who teach in her lineage, Farrunnissa in NC (nurluna@aol.com) and Miranda in CA (mirandaooruk@yahoo.com) will know when and where drumming workshops will happen. And I read Simon Buxton’s wonderful book years ago and am very glad you are reading it.
Congratulations on your daughter’s coming home birth. What a sacred sacred time and event. My heart is with you all as this special soul joins your beautiful clan.
I look forward to being in touch on my return, Linda.
Many blessings,
Is shipping to Madagascar possible?
Please confirm and also if you accept VISA or Master card for payment for an international order.
Hello Adam, it is good to hear from you. Email me at debra@holybeepress.com and tell me what you would like. We will work it out. Many blessings to you.
I am overwhelmed by your commitment on bees..
If I can donate some artwork to your cause and help draw some visual attention .. don’t bee”’ shy.
look around on my website and lets see if I can give you a
*Freebee’s . . .. artwork for free.
Thank you so much.