It is a full fat summer’s day here in Western North Carolina. The bee sanctuary is fragrant, humming, thrumming and bursting with more health and vitality than ever before. My heart is full. These wing-ed beings bring me such joy.
At long last, the Sacred Path of Bee online series is completed. I am profoundly grateful to all the many patient, beloved friends from around the world who have kept gently prodding me to complete this.
I want to express my thanks to some people that made this strange creature called an online series possible and for the fertile field of nectar and pollen they are in my life. And I want to begin with Layne Redmond. We fell into friendship from the moment of first eye contact, there in front of the Fine Arts Cinema in Asheville, just as she was about to join her fabulous students in drumming to open a documentary that included an interview with Layne. She and I picked up some ancient, comfortable and familiar thread from the second we met. I probably would not have done this series at all if she hadn’t kept saying, “We should do this!” (meaning the series) so many times, in her bright chirpy cadenced voice that I can still hear in my internal soundscape. I swam in the Ocean of Yes with Layne, as I do with a handful of beloveds in my life. When she passed in late 2013, I felt like a baton got handed to me in the softest and most compelling way … not to be her, but to continue stepping out as the bee-sotted soul that I am. Thanks to Layne and others, I’m out of the sacred bee closet now … and what a lot of fine company I have in this world.
I also want to thank my husband Joe for his generous and loving patience. This series took almost two years to complete (I thought it would take four months). I am so supported by this beautiful man in every way. Joe told me when we were dating that he has known all his life that he came into this world to support the feminine. And he has and does … with his grandmother, his mother, his sister, his many women friends … and with me. I thank my lucky stars the day I met you, Joe Roberts.
And to you, the ten amazing beings who took time from your incredibly busy lives to bless us with your voice here, I salute you as the Bantus greet one another at night … as walking stars … with gratitude for your presence in our lives. To Larry Cammarata, Laura Ferguson, Jacqueline Freeman, Horst Kornberger, Mekare, Glenis Redmond, Tracey Schmidt, Jeff Scmitt, Filiz Telek, and Kaylynn Sullivan TwoTrees, I raise my glass. My life, this series, the world, and the honeybees are infinitely enriched by your beautiful bee-ingness.
And to you, Apis mellifera, the sweet honey-bearing bees who I love and adore, you have colonized my mind, heart and consciousness … called out the nectar of me and transmuted it into honey. For this and a thousand things more, I am eternally grateful.
This series is for anyone and everyone, from my heart to yours, to inspire you on your own path of bee love, whether you have bees or not. No beekeeping experience is necessary, just your appreciation of bees. This is not a technical series. It is a journey to deepen your own relationship with honeybees and the sacred life we all share. All the ground covered here … the stories, the wisdom, the insights, the experiences … everything ultimately relates to our relationship with all life and whomever we care for. I have long believed that love is the ultimate activism. Come one, come all.
You can find out more information about the series here:
Have a wonderful summer.
Blessed be, blessed bees.
“The souls of people, on their way to earth-life pass through a room full of lights. Each takes a taper–often only a spark to guide it in the dim country of this world. But by rare fortune, some souls are detained a little longer. They take time to grasp a handful of tapers, which they weave into a torch. These are the torch-bearers of humanity, its poets, seers and saints, (beekeepers and bee lovers) who lead and lift the race out of darkness toward the light. They are the teachers and saviors; the light bringers, way-showers and truth-tellers. Without them, humanity would lose its way in the dark”. ~ Plato (and Debra Roberts).

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }
THIS IS SO BEEAUTIFUL! Love is the Ultimate Activism. Thank you Debra for this Amazing Work, for the Beeing you are. So Grateful to Dance this Sacred Dance ofLife with You. Enjoy the Launch! HEART`
Thank you so much dear Tinah Bee … we are cut from the same bee loving cloth. Love you so! <3
You just warmed my heart, thank you for opening your life to us. peace to all.
Thank you so much Florence for you beautiful message. I really appreciate it. Many blessings to you, Debra