
I have fallen in love with pollinators … and in particular with Apis mellifera, the honey bearing bee … one of the greatest teachers in my life. At the peak of summer, my family expands to almost a quarter of a million in number. There is not a day that goes by when I don’t think about these precious winged beings. I am a shameless Apis mellifera-loving hussy. I talk bee and English is now my second language … Come have holy bee communion. I’m glad you’re here.
Debra Roberts
© 2011-2015 Holy Bee Press
All Rights Reserved, Debra Roberts
Photo of Debra Roberts by Michael Belleme, Courtesy of Asheville's Organicfest
Grateful thanks to Clare Melinksy for the amazing honeybee lino-cut.
{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }
Dearest Debra,
What an amazing site that you have – Absolutely beautifully done…!
I was guided to move to Asheville and just made the move last week. As I know that bees are a big part of my future, I would love to work at a place that is the most esteemed locally with Natural Beekeeping and/ Or as Natural Honey Producers. Your passion and Spiritual awareness associated with bees led me to contact you. Any guidance that you are able to give on this behalf is most appreciative…
Thank you and take care…!
All My Best,
Hello Jennifer, I am catching up on my website messages and I just discovered yours – I am so sorry I am just reading this right now. Welcome to Asheville – I know it has been about a year since you landed. Please feel free to email me with any questions you have ( By now no doubt you have discovered many-things-bee in our area but if I can be of any assistance to you, let me know. Many blessings, Debra
Hi Debra,
I am a big admirer of you and Layne.
Last night I watched the film which I have given you the link for below.
It wad the most amazing, wonderful, inspiring and hopeful film I have ever seen.
Perhaps you have already seen it, but if not I highly recommend watching it and passing it on to others.
It is a documentary about a woman who can communicate with animals in the most extraordinarily accurate and profound way.
Much love,
Charlie Kempson-Hopkins
Dear Charlie, so lovely to hear from you. Just back from the road and sorry it took me this long to land with your beautiful message. I really appreciate it. And I have seen this about Anna … and so glad to view it again, thank you. She is remarkable. I have a friend who attended one of her workshops at Findhorn. I asked her what was one thing that most profoundly touched her about Anna and my friend responded, “her silence” – that she carries a stillness and quality of profound quiet in her very being, whether she is talking or not. It is this quality of stillness that I feel the bees encourage (and really, the whole of the natural world) and it is something I spend time working on as a practice, especially in the bee sanctuary. Thank you again for your message and wishing you a wonderful summer’s evening. Love and blessings, Debra